BNUEI Celebrating
The Teen Entrepreneur Series 20 series and 140 weeks of
volunteering services to the development of teens in Boston and the surrounding areas
The Founder and President of Business Not As Usual Entrepreneur Institute, Inc.
Elder Dulin believes that African Americans and Latinos living in the inner city of Boston should have the opportunity and access to entrepreneur and leadership development tools, that will l them parallel into the 21 Century with the necessary tools for creating multiple streams of income and a more self sufficient community.
Elder Dulin is confident that the BNUEI business and leadership curriculum is providing a strong fundamental structure that is uniquely design for the betterment of families and community.
We believe that The Entrepreneur Spirit
Gives hope to dreams; to bring forth witty inventions, as you walk by faith to implement that which seems to be the impossible dream.
By Barbara A. Dulin -2015
Read what our teens are doing today!
Business Not As Usual Entrepreneur Institute, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization.
MLK Community Service Aware
Enjoying the teen entrepreneur experience while developing their networking skills.
60th Anniversary Celebration
Rev. Barbara A. Dulin President
Silifa Wallace - Treasurer
Jacqui McNeil - Clerk
Annette Bartley - Director
Jalen Powell Bartley Director
Jhair James -Director
Dr. Neena McConnico Director
is to provide urban adults, youth and teens with access to entrepreneur training to stimulate creative thinking in individuals who are interested in embracing the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur through motivational speakers, applied business principles , open discussion and mentorship.
To acquire educational space that will provide a learning environment that will accommodate BNUEI providing entrepreneur and leadership development to youth, teens and